At Carnival Empire, Enjoy the madness of plenty of popular games and activities with your family or friends. From trunk or treat events to school fundraisers, these carnival games are easy to win, and fun for all.
Tape an empty Kleenex box to a pair of cloth, fill it with ping pong balls, and then tape it around someone’s waist. They have to shake until all the bal...
Pair the players up, giving one a cup and one a cup of mini marshmallows. Players have one minute to throw as many of the marshmallows as they can from cup one ...
Fill one 2-litre bottle with something (Lucky Charms, Jelly Beans, etc.) then tape it to another 2-litre bottle – players have to transfer all from one b...
Whether it’s crackers or mini marshmallows, this is a fun game for kids. You’ll need straws and two plates or bowls. Players have one minute to se...
With one hand behind the child’s back, they need to do their best to keep two blown balloons in the air for 60 seconds. You can adjust the difficulty by ...
For this fun game, you’ll need an empty egg carton and 12 ping pong balls. the goal is to bounce the ping pong balls into the egg carton within one minut...
Each player has one minute to blow up a balloon and then use the air inside the balloon to knock over 24 plastic cups arranged on a table. If there is still tim...
Using only chopsticks, the race is on to get the most cereal or round supplies (Cheerios, Jelly Beans, Dry Beans) from one bowl to the other in just one minute!
Give each player five apples and a minute to see if they can get all five of the lumpy fruits stacked on top of each other in 60 seconds or less. (5 apples of y...
Get the kids to build the highest tower they can in one minute, using paper plates and cups. For beginners, let them build however they like, but for slightly o...
Partners receive a stack of 36 plastic cups. Then, working together, they only have one minute to build a pyramid, break it back down and re-stack the cups. Thi...
Sprinkle cotton balls on a table around a centrally located bowl. Give a player a spoon and blindfold them. They have a minute to find cotton balls and put them...
Paper Dance, as the name suggests is a competition where participants in pairs dance on a piece of paper until the music stops. The newspaper is folded in every...
See how many times you can alternate holding your nose with your right hand and your ear with your left, then swapping and holding your nose with your left hand...
For this game, you unwind two rolls of toilet paper and place a heavy(ish) object at the end. Players race to roll their toilet paper back up without tearing th...
The player whose name was called must try and catch the balloon before it hits the floor. If he fails, he is out of the game. Play continues for several rounds ...
Using a straw, players suck up and move as many skittles as they can from one place to another. Whoever gets the most skittles to the second spot wins. You can ...
In this game, players use toothpicks attached to their legs to pop as many balloons as possible within one minute, testing agility, coordination, and speed
Set a row of plastic cups up in a line touching one another. Fill each cup up with water fully (to the top). Set a ping pong ball on the first cup in the row. E...
Chess is one of the oldest and most popular board games. It is played by two opponents on a checkerboard with specially designed pieces of contrasting colours, ...